引用:Water Identified In Extrasolar Planet Atmosphere(太陽系以外的地方證實水的存在! )Water Identified In Extrasolar Planet AtmosphereScience Daily — For the first time, water has been identified in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. Through a combination of previously published Hubble Space Telescope (哈伯商務中心太空望遠鏡)measurements and new theoretical models, Lowell Observatory astronomer Travis Barman has found strong evidence for water absorption in the atmosphere of transiting planet HD209458b. This result was recently accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (圖宜蘭民宿1. This artist's impression shows a dramatic close-up of the scorched extrasolar planet HD 209458b in its orbit 'only' 7 million kilometres from its yellow Sun-like star. The planet is a type of extrasolar planet known as a 'hot Jupiter'. (Credit: European Space Agency, Alfred Vidal-Madjar 宜蘭民宿(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, France) and NASA)"We now know that water vapor exists in the atmosphere of one extrasolar planet and there is good reason to believe that other extrasolar planets contain water vapor," said Barman. Water vapor (or steam) has been expected to be present in the 清境atmospheres of nearly all of the known extrasolar planets, even those that orbit closer to their parent star than Mercury is to our Sun. For the majority of extrasolar planets, their close proximity to their parent star has made detecting water and other compounds difficult.The identification reported here takes 台灣房屋advantage of the fact that HD209458b, as seen from Earth, passes directly in front of its star every three and half days. As a planet passes in front of a star, its atmosphere blocks a different amount of the starlight at different wavelengths. In particular, absorption by water in the atmosphere of a giant 鍍膜planet makes the planet appear larger across a specific part of the infrared spectrum compared to wavelengths in the visible spectrum.An analysis of visible and infrared Hubble data carried out last year by Harvard student Heather Knutson made possible a direct comparison to new theoretical models developed by 酒店經紀Barman at Lowell Observatory. This ultimately led to the identification of water absorption in a planet 150 light years from Earth. “It is encouraging that theoretical predictions of water in extrasolar planets seem to agree reasonably well with observations,” said Barman.This research was supported by NASA’s 翻譯社Origins of Solar System program. Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Lowell Observatory.(不好意思,看到這則新聞實在是太興奮了,所以就先 post 上來了。總之,先給大家看原文,就當練習英文吧! BTW,光是摘要裡面的第一句紅色標示的話語,就夠吸引人,且夠 "聳動" 的了!畢竟有水的地方就可能有生命九份民宿型態發展啊!)原始報導:來自 NASA 的新聞稿:補充資料:Wiki 百科對於這顆名為 「HD209458 b」的行星有詳細的介紹我在附加planet HD209458b完整的資料圖形檔日月潭民宿:

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